Practical first aid for parents
You made it through the ups and downs of pregnancy … maybe nausea, vomiting, sleepless nights and rib kicking.
You made it through the birth … maybe a caesarean, even if it wasn’t planned.
And then you met that gorgeous little person.
You made it through that first car trip home riding in the back traveling at 20kms/hr.
You made it through the first weeks … or is it months … it’s a blur and it flies, we know.
But would you make it through an emergency with your bubba?
Would you know what to do if the unimaginable happened?
Our Little Lives course is designed by Emergency Paramedics.
It will empower parents with the knowledge to manage the most common childhood illnesses, accidents and injuries.
Our trainers have years of experience in the emergency service field and are parents themselves. They have helped countless parents who didn’t have the knowledge or skills to help their own child!
Please don’t be a statistic – get a group of friends or family together and book a course!
You will leave our wonderful course with a new confidence and peace of mind knowing that you could act quickly and save your bubba.
Babies and young children don’t have the ability to effectively communicate how they are feeling. This makes it difficult at times for parents to know how to help.
Areas covered include
- CPR for babies and children
- Head injuries
- Fevers and febrile convulsions
- Choking
- Allergies and anaphylaxis
- Poisoning
- Burns
- Drowning
PLUS plenty of time for questions!
This is a non-accredited course is suitable for parents and carers of young children.
2 hours
At a location suitable for participants eg. community centre or in your home.
Public courses also now available at Erina.
Our training centre has stairs to the second level training room. Currently there is no lift access to the second level. Please contact us on 1300 502 332 for alternate arrangements for training.
This is a non-accredited course. Participants will receive a first aid manual.
$70 per person (min of 10 people for private booking)